
The Four Agreements

Recently, I went to Five & Below the store and found the book The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Riz. I was actually quite shocked and told myself maybe this is a sign I should finally read it. Yes, I know shocking I haven’t read it since I am such an enthusiast of self-help books.…

Why I drink mate…

Back in November 2019 ,I drank yerba mate sometimes and always on the weekends which I mention in this podcast. And by April 2021 , I was already drinking it more frequently. Now, I drink my mate every morning and I like to call it my meditation time! First thing, when I wake up in…

How to stay healthy and young…

When I searched this (title) in google, the first thing that showed up was “8 ways to maintain a youthful appearance” which I thought was interesting. However, this wasn’t the answer “I was looking for”, therefore I kept looking at other links.One of links that caught my eye the most was actually in The…

My Go To Book

Let’s be real for a sec. Most of us don’t have time for an hour of yoga or 30 minutes of meditation every day. We’re overwhelmed as it is. Our spiritual practice shouldn’t add to that. That’s why I’ve handpicked 108 simple techniques to combat our most common problems – stress, burnout, frustration, jealousy, resentment.…


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