
ModiYoga : A style of yoga instruction which encourages and normalizes the use of modifications to safely and comfortably practice yoga.

Kristen can you tell us about yourself and how you started practicing yoga?

Kristen: I am a life long athlete and I started practicing yoga after a ski accident. It took me away from strength training and competing. I fell in love with the practice and saw how beneficial it was for my recovery and also my health as an athlete. When I returned to strength training, I noticed a big difference in my mobility and I quickly surpassed my pre-injury lifting numbers as a result. This made me truly fall in love with yoga. because I could see how it was positively impacting my physical health, as well as my mindset and ability to remain calm and focused off the mat. As an athlete, I also loved finding modifications for myself for yoga since I was constantly contracting my muscles and certain poses were out of the range of possibility for me. I fell in love with modified yoga and saw how it could benefit those who would not typically try yoga, because they lack flexibility or range of motion for any reason.

What yoga training and workshops have you done?

Kristen: I completed my RYT 200 training and then I recently completed my Master’s of Science Degree in Maharishi Ayurveda. My RYT 200 program was online and it inspired me, as an eLearning professional, to develop my own online yoga training. My studies with Maharishi International University in Ayurveda helped me to learn more about the vedic sciences and how they relate to practicing yoga both on and off of the mat. As an Ayurvedic Integrated Wellness coach, I use my skills as a yoga instructor and a wellness coach to provide a holistic wellness opportunity for my clients.

Can you tell us about ModiYoga and how it got started…

Kristen: ModiYoga is a style of yoga instruction which encourages and normalizes the use of modifications to safely and comfortably practice yoga. As a person who has experienced several injuries or mobility limitations, I noticed that many “beginner” yoga classes were actually quite challenging and not accessible, even with tools to assist. I started working with CrossFit and Powerlifting athletes as a yoga instructor and found that they needed modifications as a normal part of their yoga practice. This inspired me to craft a style of instruction which normalizes and encourages modifications and adjustments so that clients feel confident in their ability to perform the stretches and poses without straining or potentially injuring their bodies. Many of our clients progress through different types of modifications and some decide to try the full poses, but we always encourage our clients to meet their bodies where they are in the moment with self compassion. 

What do you feel separate ModiYoga from other virtual yoga studio out there?

Kristen: The ModiYoga Virtual Studio is unique in that it provides a judgement free, accepting, and relaxed environment to learn how to practice yoga. We take perfectionism out of the yoga practice, encourage safe modifications, and self compassion on the mat above all else. ModiYoga instructors also have a strong understanding of anatomy and physiology, as well as accommodations and modifications for various types of injuries or pain points to adjust and adapt to the students’ needs. We are the most welcoming virtual studio and are also extremely body positive. There is no competition or pressure to perform in our virtual studio. As with other virtual studios, there is also the convenience factor; you can attend class from the comfort of home or while you’re on the road while experiencing true, live interactions with real people in real time from all over the country (and world!). 

Why do you feel modifications are important in a yoga practice? 

Kristen: Modifications are a part of life. We all adapt and adjust as we learn new tasks to make them work for us; yoga should be no different. All bodies are unique and move in a unique way, there is no such thing as a certain type of “yoga body”; therefore, modifications make it possible to practice authentically and comfortably, while still challenging ourselves to feel our best.

What style of yoga does ModiYoga teach?

Kristen: ModiYoga is rooted in Iyengar Yoga and our instructors modify each class to meet the needs of our clients using principles from vinyasa, hatha, yin and restorative yoga, utilizing modifications along the way to enhance instruction.

Can you share with us what is included in the ModiYoga Aligned Membership ?

Kristen: The *ModiYoga Aligned membership offers unlimited access to 16 online live yoga classes at convenient times for all US time zones each month, led by our amazing ModiYoga Certified instructors. Members also receive a monthly, live community energy work session with me where they receive chakra balancing and quantum healing for the energy just beyond the physical body at a distance. Members also have access to our online portal which includes a growing library of pre-recorded modiyoga classes, guided meditations, self compassion and self empowerment pre-recorded webinars, sound healing, channeled messages, and Ayurvedic wellness basics for a comprehensive yoga experience both on and off the mat.

What is your favorite yoga pose and how has yoga helped you in your life?

Kristen: My favorite yoga pose is side crow! I love teaching modifications for this pose, because it seems so daunting but can be so rewarding and accessible when using the right tools and modifications.

Lastly, where can we learn more about ModiYoga? 

Kristen: You can visit and click on the * membership option to learn more about the membership and click the “Learn About ModiYoga” button to see if ModiYoga is the right fit for you! If it sounds like your cup of tea, you can use the code “ShopSmall50” to receive 50% off your membership just for reading this blog post!

Kristen Kennedy Smith is an eLearning Professional who provides holistic wellness education online through her business, Affirmations & Innovations LLC. Kristen is the founder of the ModiYoga style of inclusive yoga instruction, creator of the ModiYoga Certification and the founder of the ModiYoga Virtual Studio and ModiYoga Aligned membership. Kristen completed her Master’s Degree at Maharishi International University in Maharishi Ayurvedic Wellness and Integrative Medicine, the sister science to yoga. Kristen developed an online, inclusive membership space for busy people to unwind and practice self care in the comfort of their own homes. She also offers 1:1 sessions and online courses which embody the mission and vision of her business, A&I.

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